Wakandan Dollar -
The Cryptocurrency to Unite the world.

Wakanda is a legendary place of goodness that all aspire to journey to, sometimes also called “the country of life.”
Wakanda, it is one of the most technologically advanced nations on Earth, known for its rich deposits of the element vibranium.
Wakandan Dollar is the native currency of the Wakandan Kingdom which is built on the binance smart chain.

Mission and vision statement

Our aim is to put artificial intelligence in its natural birth place, with other Wakandan utility, embracing the African and global cultures for peace and prosperity, unite all tribe and nations to fight inflations and create financial freedom, equality and soverienty in a thriving Wakanda ecosystem.


Wakandan Dollar on Binance Smart Chain Network:
7% Buy | 7% Sell
Take Breakdown: 1% Auto Burn
2% Liquidity
3% Marketing and Development.

1% Reward in 🚀 Coin Emoji.
Liquidity Lock and Renounced and Immutable.


  • Phase 1

    Token creation and deployment.
    Project awareness marketing.
    Stealth launch.
    White paper.

  • Phase 2

    Launch on PancakeSwap.
    Bsc trending
    Epic marketing

  • Phase 3

    Twitter space.
    Farm & Staking Pools.
    CMC/CG Listings.
    NFT Collection Launch.
    Influencers Campaign.

Disclaimer: Wakandan Dollar $WAKANDA coin has no association with Marvel comics, Black Panther or any associated enities. This token is simply paying homage to a meme with intention of uniting Africans and the World, By promoting and bringing awarness that africa is the Cradle of Civilization.
$WAKANDA is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.